All students are to provide practice gear appropriate for their sport. Shorts/pants, t-shirt, shoes/cleats, knee pads, shin guards and other items are the responsibility of the student athlete.
7th Graders or First Time Players - Total Cost $100
Returning 8th Grader: No Equipment $100
Returning 8th Grader: Has Practice Jersey $80
Returning 8th Grader: Has Practice Pants $80
Returning 8th Grader: Has Practice Jersey and Pants $60
This fee includes the transportation, practice shirt, reconditioning of equipment, and mouthpiece.
*School provides shoulder pads, helmet and game uniform.
Girls purchase most items: Warm-up and accessories
School provides: Game uniform
Cost: Info at parent meeting
School provides: tennis balls and match uniform t-shirt (student get to keep)
Total cost: $25 (Transportation) + $20 + $30 = $80
Girls Volleyball
School provides: game uniform (jersey)
Total cost: $25 (Transportation)+ $20 =$45*
*other fees will be added for game spandex, socks & team t-shirt
School provides: match polo, t-shirt, and a sleeve of golf balls
Total cost: $25 (Transportation) + $30 =$55*
Cross Country
School provides: meet uniform (jersey/shorts)
Total cost: $25 (Transportation)+ $20 =$45*
*other fees will be added for team t-shirt